What I admire most about GaGa and Lagerfeld as well as the other famous names above is that they LIVE their style and are unafraid to become whatever character they create! It's who they are!
I look back at some of the outfits I've worn over the years - as a student when I thought it was 'cool' to wear my jeans low and trainers the size of baby elephants in the style of 'hipsters' and 'gangsta rappers' to the time I thought that the skinnier the jeans, the better the look (right until the point that simply walking was challenging the Titans because my jeans were so tight!) In this busy city, it's hard for us to take time out and think of these things, to think of the image you wish to portray of yourself outside of work when you're relaxing and being yourself; the image that you want that guy or girl who sits on the bus who you've been trying to talk to to see; the image you want to signify you. What is it?
I bet you never thought we would get this deep...
Well, my friend, that image you want to portray comes through in your style so be careful the image you're sending out. Too many times we fall victim to following a trend - what's in this season and how to wear it. That's all well and good but if you're blindly copying mannequins from Armani to Zara, you're never really going to understand what is and isn't you. I took a long, hard look at myself today and asked myself what my style was. Upon deciding, I started to live it. It's all about creating a solid image and making sure that you are one hundred percent comfortable with it.
So tell me, what is your style?
Just one of my musings...
Ciao Belissimi!
Mr. Darkwah
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