The Exhibition opens on the 27th of September
at The Music Room
26 South Molton Lane
These are indeed strange and confusing times to be a teenager. Our youth enter adulthood in the knowledge that they face a future we have designed to be more difficult for their generation than any other in half a century. At every turn they are told the party is now over and that they will be the first to experience the world the ‘Baby Boomers’ have left in their wake. It is in this climate that our current generation of young artists are working and 'The Exit Strategy' is an insight into the hopes and fears of a generation that is in the process swapping childhood for an uncertain adult world.
What is striking about this show is the clarity with which ideas are expressed and the technical confidence in handling materials and media. The artists do not ask to be given any concision on the basis of age and demand that their work is viewed with the same critical eye as any other Artwork placed in the public domain. In fact, the central purpose of ‘The Exit Strategy’ is to dispel the myth that the art produced by young people should be looked at with any level of patronisation and that if the work engages with the viewer the age of its creator is irrelevant.
Secondly the work on show demonstrates a more sophisticated understanding of their place in the world than they are often given credit for. The events of the last few weeks fuel society's suspicious and fearful approach to the young and the notion that a subtle or intelligent response to the world around us can only come with age and experience. As ‘The Exit Strategy’ successfully demonstrates 18 years on the planet is more than enough time young people to find an articulate and compelling voice of their own.
The show is also about raising awareness and funds for the charity ‘Kids Company’ Although the show is free to enter there will be a collection box at the exit. It is hoped that visitors will provide a contribution on the basis of how much they enjoyed the work.
This is a unique event and the first of its kind to take place in such a major exhibition space. By the end of the exhibition it is our aim to change the perception of those who believe that the art produced by young people cannot resonate just as loudly as the work produced by their more senior contemporaries and in doing so play a part in the advancement of social justice for children in the capital.
I hope to see you all there! The exhibition is on for three nights so make sure you drop by for one of them. It is vital that we support the youth of today - both in terms of the artists who have created these pieces and the children at 'Kids Company' that we are raising money to aid.
Come along, enjoy and be moved by some art and support a great cause!
Ciao Belissimi!
Mr. Darkwah