First , we must acknowledge the things we want to achieve with the look and the things that are just unacceptable:
Where are we going with this?
Ultimately, when picking attire we must consider where we are going. Style is all about dressing with the destination or occasion in mind and being unique whilst doing so. If you are on a break, but still likely to attend a few meetings now and then, it would be smart to go easy on how laid-back you aim to look. This may mean giving up on your colourful and extravagant t-shirts and hoodies for the time-being. We do not want to look like couch potatoes. Not even on our worst days. And another thing, weekends are no excuse to give up on style! Look good - always.
'Whatever the weather' is a misleading statement:
London weather may be unpredictable but this doesn't justify hiding under hideous layers of fleece and baggy sweaters. You're travelling around London - NOT going to the Arctic. There are ways tolook good and still be protected from the cold. There are however, a few items that you should have let go of a while ago. Some things just should not be worn in this day and age and there are many things that just are not appropriate for the current weather.
Your outfit must reflect you. A giraffe wouldn't be caught dead in zebra print, so remember to wear the items that work with who you are and are geared towards who you want to be.
What to wear, what to wear , what to wear:
There is no need to over-do it during the weekend, so opt for pastelles, khakis and earthy tones. These colours are ideal in adding warmth to your look. Consider some slim fit trousers in these colours , to sharpen the weekend look. These suede khaki nike blazers in particular , are great for the season ahead!
Blue Is You:
The 'no jeans ban' has now been lifted! However, just because you can wear jeans doesn't mean you can wear ANY pair! Make sure you find jeans that suit your shape. Ugly patches and rips aren't wanted - who wants to look like a homeless person? Invest in a pair of classic Levi's. With them, you can never go wrong!
Yes , fisherman windbreakers and jackets are still en-vogue as they add a sense of British heritage to your casual look.
Double breasted jackets are not only for business environments. Team them with a button-down collar shirt and coloured sweater to ease the sharpness of this usually formal garment.
Finally, I believe that as young men, we must come to terms with choosing lavish luggage. We cannot continue to ignore the fact we require a stylish home for our ipads , laptops , BlackBerries and iPhones. Say bye-bye to the days of scruffy company-provided laptop bags, and welcome a new era of bags to add to a flawless look. It is 2012, man-bags are not taboo - they are a must-do!
Look to totes for the ultimate luggage as they can contain everything and still maintain your chic!
Live Beautiful, Stay Vogue!
Jayson Kay